

opening hours

menu available here

now permanently closed

find us: 

18 collie street, fremantle 6160


email US:


book with US: 

no longer available



things we get asked a lot: 

Q: can i bring my doggo with me ? 
a: all of the yes.  we adore our (and everybody else’s) dogs and even sponsor a kennel at the wonderful shenton park dog’s refuge, so the more mutts the merrier

q: do you sell your sell your chai blends to make at home ?  
a: we sure do. head in and there’ll be some shelves with our chai blends, duck duck bruce keep cups and other at home treats

Q: are you open in the evenings ? 
a: nope, duck duck bruce is a cafe and closes at 3pm. we have a sister restaurant a couple of streets over called lions and tigers which is open evenings as well as for lunch on saturdays. there’s a link to their website at the bottom of this page

q: who's bruce ?
A: jaws is charlie's favourite movie and our first gang idea was for a fish restaurant.  bruce was the name of the model shark used in the movie and is a nod to our original fishy intentions

q: how do i book a table?
a: head to the ‘bookings’ page of the website and click the link for online bookings.  we’ll email a confirmation and you're all set.  please remember peak times on weekends fill up quickly. we only take bookings for the indoor and porch tables. for same day or courtyard tables, just head down for a walk in spot.

q: do you take bookings for larger groups ?
a: we can seat up to 12 on one table. mid week we can seat more over neighbouring tables, but for weekends bookings are capped at 12 people.

q: are you licensed to serve alcohol ?
a: we’re not, but we are byo for wine and beer

q: my mate lives for your carrot cake, can i buy a whole one for her birthday? 
a: with pleasure. charlie does big bake days 3 times a week so just give us 72 hours notice and we’ll get any of our cakes baked and boxed up for you to collect

q: do you offer split billing ?
A: absolutely.  It just makes life easier for everyone

q: can you host my wedding / graduation / dog's bar mitzvah ?
a: mazel tov! feel free to drop us a line and tell us what you’re after in case we can help, but a packed chiller and a super busy restaurant mean we aren’t really set up to cope with private hire or outside catering

Q: how well are you set up for common dietary requirements ?
A: in short, brilliantly. the entire menu with the exception of the pancakes can be gluten free, everything apart from the fried chicken, the pancakes and the porridge can be dairy free and the majority of vego items can also be vegan friendly. feel free to drop us a line with any specific questions                                     

once upon a time...

SEAN and charlie met, played cards and drank tequila, this inevitably lead to marriage. best mate woody worked in other people’s restaurants with charlie and drank rum with sean, and so it came to pass that an awesome little gang with big ideas was formed. 

with nothing but two dogs, a messy kitchen and a well stocked booze cabinet to occupy their spare time, the three cooked and drank and laughed their way towards potential gout and a place of their own.  their mission was simple: feed the people and make them happy.

sites came and went and it seemed the perfect spot would never be found... until fate lent a hand and delivered a rare gem amongst freo cafes into their grateful hands.  

and so the bruce was born. and here we are.

we are so, so passionate about the power of a good meal spent with good people, and are giddy at the privilege of sharing that passion with others.

  who knows where the adventure goes from here but as long as there are three goofballs at the helm with a margarita in hand and a hundred ideas a day, it'll be anything but dull ...

see the next stage of the big adventure at our restaurant lions and tigers, link to website below